Science Park

Science Park supports you who want to do something great with your ideas. Every year, we coach about 1,000 individuals and teams – many of the students – with ideas concerning new products, services, and processes.
This leads to 300 new businesses in the region of Jönköping, every year. Science Park runs an Incubator Program that recruits about 10 businesses each year. Our mission? To help create new sustainable businesses – that solve the challenges of tomorrow.
Would you like to start a consulting company in your field of studies? Science Park helps you get started with your business and to match you with assignments in our network. We can also help you find unpaid assignments as a student resource, without you having to register your own company.
Science Park Jönköping offers support to researchers, research groups, and employees in matters concerning utilization of research and its results. By being an independent party without a profit interest, we do everything we can to ensure that the knowledge available at Jönköping University has the right conditions to enter the market and further on benefit society.
Science Park is also a partner in a venture capital company, an investment fund and the founder if an investor network. In 2020, we attracted more than 30 MSEK to the companies we work with.
Together with Region Jönköpings län och Jönköping University, we run the projects AI Readiness and Framtidsinnovation. Through AI Readiness, we help established companies in the region of Jönköping discover the business opportunities within Artificial Intelligence. In Framtidsinnovation, we offer support that helps companies get started with sustainable innovation, which secures the future of their business.
Science Park has business developers in all thirteen municipalities in Jönköping county. By contributing to the startup and development of successful businesses, we create av vibrant, sustainable, regional business community that stands strong in the future.
Welcome to Science Park!