Info regarding Kick Off
On the page below you can read more about the changes that have taken place in the organization of the Kick Off at Jönköping University.

Nailing the job interview -moved to Monday 17/2
17 February - 17 February , 12:15 - 13:00 , B1033
Course in Mindfulness
17 February - 17 February , 16:00 - 17:30 , House K
Study Technique - learn more, smarter and better (lecture in english)
19 February - 19 February , 13:00 - 16:00
The Meeting Place!
19 February - 19 February , 16:30 - 18:30 , House K

Security work at JU
Jönköping University (JU) works continuously with security issues and follows the guidelines of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). On the authority's... -
National minute of silence on Tuesday 11 February at noon
A national minute of silence will be held on Tuesday 11 February at 12:00, at the request of the government, to commemorate the victims of the attack in Örebro. -
Apply for EULiST student conference in France
Students at Jönköping University (JU) can now apply to participate in the EULiST (European Universities Linking Society and Technology) student conference at th... -
Learn more about study technique
On 19 February, the Career Center are organizing a lecture on study technique. Learn more, smarter and better! -
JU Solar Team attracts attention at Elmia
JU Solar Team attracts great interest at Elmia Solar, which runs February 4-6."We want to be seen and draw attention to our solar car project so that more peopl...